About Us

Who We Are

Quixxsmart Structures, Inc.

Quixxsmart Structures® represents the latest engineering advances in a highly flexible, modular system of customized components needed for the creation of task specific workstations, flow racks and parts presentation carts. Quixxsmart designs are based on simplicity, functionality and ease of assembly. We specialize in designing and building cost-effective products that can dramatically improve your manufacturing output. Please contact us for a “no obligation” assessment of your current operations. Our engineering staff will help you create a customized work environment designed for maximum efficiency and worker safety.

36-plus years of experience
Features & Benefits

Quixxsmart Structures & Racks

World Class manufacturing, JIT material handling, Point of use parts presentations, Lean fixturing, Quick production change-overs, Sequenced parts delivery, Continuous improvement, Improved worker ergonomics and Visual management are some of today’s goals in industry. Reaching these goals should be simple, fast and cost effective. When your requirements include racks, workstations or structures, the Quixxsmart product line has your solutions.


Fast Design & Fabrication

Create stations and racks without welding, grinding, priming, or painting with our sturdy steel pipes and joints.

Supermarket Inventory Storage

Support production with line side flow racking.

Point of Use Parts Presentation

Quixxsmart modular design racks can be tailored for pin point parts presentation. This minimizes wasteful handling and traffic on the floor.

Lean Fixturing

Utilize Quixxsmart’s sturdy steel construction and Clamptight feature for accurate fixtures. This makes fixturing for low production runs feasible and cost effective.

Quick Production Changeovers

Place your custom rack on casters and change components on the fly, minimize production line downtime.

Sequenced Parts Delivery

Match sequenced parts requirements with your production schedule using customized racks for subassemblies.

Continuous Improvement

It is easy to implement enhancements with a hex key and maybe some pipes or joints. Our extreme modularity, easy adjustability and low first cost make experimentation and continuous improvement simple.

Improved Worker Ergonomics

An optimized work environment allows assemblers to work efficiently within their comfort zone. The result is improved productivity and efficiency.

Visual Management

Having parts presented at point of use allows operators to easily manage their production inventory. Utilize a color on your racks to code different product component versions, models, or rework.


What Our Customers Say

“I want truly to thank everyone in the Quixxsmart team that worked on this project. After 14 years in business and each year growing this was the first that I was at ease prior to the rush. What a difference.”

Floor Manager